The Bride of the Red Sea • Frontiers USA

The Bride of the Red Sea

Join in praying for one of Saudi Arabia’s ancient and beloved cities.
June 27, 2018 By Frontiers USA
Jeddah mosque

On the west coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lies the ancient city of Jeddah.

From its humble beginnings as a fishing village some 2,500 years ago, Jeddah blossomed into one of Saudi Arabia’s largest cities, second only to Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom.

With a population of over 4 million, Jeddah is home to the largest port on the Red Sea and is an important commercial hub. For centuries, traders have converged on the city, which was once a key port in the frankincense trade.

Every year, over 2 million Muslims from around the world pass through Jeddah.

In its historic center, high-end shopping malls flank ancient mud houses and bustling souks, or markets. The Old City is a UNESCO World Heritage site and displays Jeddah’s past glory through beautiful architecture, historical buildings, and traditional homes.

Lovingly called the Bride of the Red Sea, Jeddah boasts open-air art installations scattered across the city. Along the coastline, families enjoy the Corniche, a boardwalk almost 20 miles long.

The city is proud home to King Fahad’s Fountain, the world’s largest water fountain. Illuminated by 500 spotlights and reaching over 900 feet into the air, it’s about as tall as the Eiffel Tower.

Jeddah is also called the Gateway to Mecca. Every year, over 2 million Muslims from around the world pass through Jeddah to take part in the pilgrimage in Mecca, Islam’s holiest city. This pilgrimage, called the hajj, is one of the five pillars of Islam and is required for all able Muslims.

Join us in praying for this city that serves as an important commercial and religious hub.

Prayer Points
  • Pray that the Bride of the Red Sea would be redeemed and renamed the Bride of Christ as Saudis embrace Jesus and establish His church.
  • Ask God to give believers in Jeddah boldness to share the Gospel with Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca.
  • Just as Saudis can look up and see Jeddah’s fountain reaching into the sky, pray for eyes to be lifted up to see Christ, who fills us with streams of living water (John 7:38).
  • Pray for God to raise up new teams of faithful men and women to reach Muslims in this strategic city.