Seeds Spring to Life in a Forgotten Region • Frontiers USA

Seeds Spring to Life in a Forgotten Region

A Frontiers team in a remote area is witnessing a beautiful mystery: seeds coming to life that were once planted by faithful but forgotten laborers.
August 17, 2020 By Frontiers USA
man in Mauritania

Amadou comes from a remote region of Northeast Africa. It’s a place that’s difficult to access, and few missionaries have ever stepped foot into its villages.

As a young man in search of work, Amadou moved to the nearby town where Frontiers worker David and his teammates live.

There he met Sidi, a Muslim-background believer who had discovered Christ in Bible studies with David.

Sidi gave the young man a Bible, which had recently been translated into Amadou’s first language. After reading through the entire New Testament, Amadou committed to following Jesus.

She stopped them and said, “I already follow Jesus.”

Amadou was so excited about the Gospel message that he decided to go back to his village to tell his family about Christ.

He went to his brother first. But as Amadou offered the Good News, his brother said that he already knew Jesus. Another Muslim-background believer from their people group had recently shared the Gospel with him. Now Amadou’s brother was a disciple of Christ too.

The brothers then went to their mother to introduce her to the Gospel. But she stopped them and said, “I already follow Jesus.”

She told her sons that many years ago, her father had spoken with her about the Good News.

“I have never forgotten the message my father shared with me,” she said. “It was a message about the Savior.”

Many years ago, her father had spoken with her about the Good News.

As David’s team ministers to Amadou’s people, they keep meeting Muslims who have similar stories.

“Men and women from the same remote region and from the same people group have told us the same things,” says David. “That their parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents shared the Good News with them.”

What a beautiful mystery—that long ago God used faithful but forgotten laborers to bring the Gospel into a hard-to-reach region. And today, we’re seeing the evidence that the seeds they planted have sprung to life!

“What did God do to first expose these precious men and women to His love?” David wonders. “One day we will find out. For now, we celebrate that many are now entering the Kingdom and are sharing their new hope in Christ with others.”

  • Praise God for the miraculous ways He is moving among this people group and drawing Muslims to Jesus.
  • Pray for Amadou and other new believers to continue to be bold witnesses as they proclaim the Gospel among their own people and beyond.
  • Please pray for God’s blessing on efforts to translate the Bible into the regional dialect—and pray that those who hear the Word in their heart language will believe in and follow Jesus.
Read More
When a Frontiers field worker visited an unreached town he faced unprecedented opposition, yet he remains hopeful for the future.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.

Main photo by Mark Fischer