Faith in a Simple Prayer • Frontiers USA

Faith in a Simple Prayer

Yasin thought God didn’t care about his life—until a Frontiers worker offered a simple prayer for healing.
June 11, 2018 By Katie Beck
Young Muslim man

As a teenager, Yasin turned away from Islam. He still believed in God but saw Him as a distant, uncaring deity uninvolved in his life.

Years later, he met Steven, a long-term field worker with Frontiers. Their visits together were sporadic. But Yasin always found their conversations engaging.

Both men loved to discuss philosophy and theology, subjects Steven had studied in university. They often talked about Islam and Christianity.

But Steven could see that no matter how eloquently he shared about Jesus, his words never seemed to touch Yasin’s heart.

He still believed in God but saw Him as a distant, uncaring deity uninvolved in his life.

“I know someone who recently left Islam and became a Christian,” Yasin told Steven over the phone one day. “I want to learn more about what Christians really believe. Would you tell me more?”

Steven met with Yasin and shared what it’s like to follow Jesus, crying with joy as he described how Christ had transformed his life. Yasin nodded slowly.

“It’s interesting that you believe all that,” he replied. “I’ve never heard anything like this in Islam.”

The least he could do was pray for healing in Jesus’ name for him.

After that, the conversation stalled. Steven felt discouraged that his words didn’t have more effect on Yasin’s heart.

He knew that his Muslim friend had been suffering from chronic stomach problems. So Steven decided that the least he could do was pray for healing in Jesus’ name for him. Yasin agreed, and after Steven’s simple prayer, the two men parted.

A year and a half later, Yasin called Steven again.

“I want to become a follower of Jesus Christ,” Yasin said. “I want to be baptized.”

Steven was left speechless.

“God answered your prayer for my healing,” Yasin explained. “He healed my stomach. Before that, I believed God was uninvolved and uninterested in my life. But you prayed for me, and when God answered your prayer, it showed me that He really does care. He really is involved in my life.”

“When God answered your prayer, it showed me that He really does care.”

Steven praises God for healing both Yasin’s body and his heart.

“I had tried pointing Yasin to Jesus Christ,” he says. “I know God used my efforts. But in the end, a big part of his decision was my simple prayer for healing. That’s what really turned Yasin’s heart to the truth. Faithfulness to the simple things—like praying for healing—is how God is building His Kingdom here.”

  • Praise God for drawing Yasin to faith in Jesus!
  • Pray for Yasin to grow in the love of Christ and to share it boldly and joyfully with others.
  • Ask the Lord to bless Frontiers workers to be faithful with every task—even the simple and small ones—to reach Muslims with the Gospel.
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A Frontiers field worker witnesses the Lord’s power when she asks Him to rescue a Muslim stranger in Jesus’ name and then receives her own healing.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.