Writing Spiritual History in Northeast Africa • Frontiers USA

Writing Spiritual History in Northeast Africa

The comforts are few, and the needs are great. But history is in the making! Discover what God is doing in this corner of Sub-Saharan Africa.
September 5, 2018 By Frontiers USA
Young women celebrating in Northeast Africa

Northeast Africa includes the Sub-Saharan countries of Chad, Sudan, and South Sudan.

Life in this region is rather rustic. The climate is harsh thanks to hot summers and unpredictable rainfall. Comforts are few and, in many areas, public infrastructure is weak. Parts of the region have experienced ongoing civil violence and ethnic division for years, making long-term stability uncertain.

Well over 100 unengaged Muslim people groups in these three countries still have no one bringing them the healing hope of Jesus Christ.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” — Luke 10:2

Nevertheless, spiritual history is being written in this very generation! God is doing something new as Frontiers teams make disciples and help catalyze movements to Christ in Northeast Africa.

The doors of opportunity are wide open. Those skilled in education, medicine, engineering, and other professions will find remarkable ease of access into even the most remote corners of the region.

More workers are desperately needed to help bring the Good News to Northeast Africa’s unengaged Muslim people groups. It’ll require courageously embracing the harsh physical realities of the region. But it means being a part of something beautiful God is doing in Northeast Africa.

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Learn more about the Sub-Saharan region on the continent of Africa! Discover its spiritual climate and find out about opportunities for you to make an impact in the region.