The Sunni-Shia Divide • Frontiers USA

The Sunni-Shia Divide

Sunnis and Shias have often lived in peace. But what divides these two groups are questions of succession, power, and theology.
April 13, 2020 By Frontiers USA
Man in Shingal, Iraq

Muslims around the world agree on the basic tenets of Islam. They believe that Muhammad was a holy prophet and that the Quran is a divine message from God.

But two of Islam’s largest groups—Sunnis and Shias—are divided over questions of succession, power, and theology.

Muhammad’s True Successor

Shias make up about 15% of the global population of Muslims. They believe that Muhammad’s rightful successor should have been a member of his bloodline. But when the founder of Islam died, Sunnis refused to hand over leadership to a relative and selected Muhammad’s successor by vote.

Within decades of Muhammad’s death, this power conflict turned deadly. It culminated in an epic battle in which Hussain, the leader of the Shias, fought against the Sunnis. Hussain was immediately cut down. Ever since, Shias have revered him as a legendary martyr.

In spite of these hostile events, Sunnis and Shias in many countries have lived peaceably and respectfully alongside each other throughout most of their history.

Nevertheless, political leaders have sometimes inflamed the disagreement over Muhammad’s succession to incite sectarian violence. This has happened in the current war in Yemen, the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s, and more.

How Muslims Can Approach God

There are also key theological differences that divide the two groups. One of these is their understanding of how Muslims can approach God.

According to Shias, imams who descend from Muhammad have divine authority. They’re seen as being especially close to God and uniquely able to interpret the Quran. Shia Muslims view these imams as spiritual intermediaries who can offer true guidance.

Sunni Muslims believe that no person can intercede between man and God. They reject the idea that Muhammad’s relatives inherit spiritual authority. In their view, religious leaders are equal to other Muslims.

  • Pray that Sunnis and Shias will live in peace with one another—and find peace with God through Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that Muslims who seek to draw near to God will find Him in the Word and discover Christ as the one true intermediary.
  • Pray for workers to understand how to share the Gospel in ways that answer the deepest questions in Muslims’ hearts.
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