An Inexpressible Gift • Frontiers USA

An Inexpressible Gift

No feast on earth will compare to the joy and celebration we’ll experience at the heavenly banquet.
November 22, 2018 By Frontiers USA
a little boy's joy

Joy and thanksgiving don’t come naturally for many of us. We scrutinize our lives and find that work is toil, our relationships are imperfect, and health is fleeting.

But a wonderful thing happens as we consider Christ’s perfect gift of salvation: God binds our hearts with abounding joy over His inexpressible gift of love (2 Corinthians 9:15).

No matter our circumstances, we can embrace a life full of joy in the God of our salvation (Habakkuk 3:17–18). Jesus promises that as we follow Him, nothing will snatch us from His strong hand (John 10:27–29). In Him, we have a living hope and an imperishable, unfading inheritance (1 Peter 1:3–5).

But 1.8 billion Muslim men, women, and children don’t know this blessing.

Muslims generally believe God is powerful—but distant. They see Him as compassionate and merciful—but detached from human distress. The Islamic view of God rejects His personal nature as a loving Father and an incarnate Savior.

1.8 billion Muslims don’t know the blessing of Christ’s sweet salvation.

Jesus, however, is anything but distant. In Him, God took human form and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Through Christ, we see the means by which God reconciled us, revealing His perfect love as our heavenly Father who sent His Son to die for us. Jesus came down to wrap His saving arms around our sin-riddled souls and usher us into the presence of the Father.

He does the same for all who put their faith in Him—including men, women, and children in Muslim lands. But how will they respond to Christ unless someone goes and gives them the chance to hear about His saving power? (Romans 10:11–15)

As we join God’s mission to make Jesus known among all nations, we look forward to the day when we’ll sit at heaven’s homecoming feast beside believers from Muslim backgrounds. They’ll be there because people like you prayed and gave so that a Gospel messenger could go share Christ with them. No Thanksgiving feast on earth will compare to the joy and celebration we’ll experience at this heavenly banquet.

Until then, there’s glorious work to do. God is using faithful people like you to help draw to Jesus those who are least-reached by the Gospel. May we serve with joy and gratitude—doing our part to give Muslims a chance to fall into the Savior’s sweet embrace.

On behalf of all of us at Frontiers, a blessed Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

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No one had ever given Rahima the chance to read the Bible. Now she’s helping others learn about Jesus Christ.


Editor's Note

Main photo by Rod Waddington