Discovering the True King • Frontiers USA

Discovering the True King

For years, Dumadi showed no interest in Jesus, then a Frontiers field worker helped him grasp cultural clues that point to Christ.
November 11 By Frontiers USA
Smiling Southeast Asian man

My phone rang, and my friend’s name lit up the screen. After working together for over twenty years, Dumadi was more than a colleague; he was my best friend. And his family had become like my own.

I quickly shoved my work aside as I answered his call, a smile on my face. But my happiness faded when his wife greeted me in a voice barely above a whisper. Something was terribly wrong.

“Dumadi’s been in an accident.” Her voice broke. “We’re at the hospital now, but I don’t know if he’ll be alright.”

I tried to comfort her, but my words fell flat. Over the years, I’d shared the Gospel with Dumadi many times. He’d always been respectful, but he’d never expressed an interest in studying God’s Word or learning more about Jesus Christ.

My stomach twisted as I worried that I would never have another chance to share the Good News with my friend. As I drove to the hospital, I prayed he would live and that it wasn’t too late.

For centuries, Dumadi’s people group had told stories of the raja gembala and his promise to return one day as the king of justice.

By the time I arrived, Dumadi had been moved into a room and was even sitting up in bed. He smiled as I rushed to his side, relief flowing through me. “My friend, how are you?”

“Much better than my car,” he chuckled. Then his wife showed me a picture of a head-on collision between Dumadi’s small sedan and a large truck. The vehicles were so intertwined that I struggled to identify where one ended and the other began.

“And the other driver?” I asked cautiously.

“He was completely unharmed.”

I marveled as I continued staring at the picture. “This is a miracle! God must have more plans for you.”

Dumadi nodded. “I think so too.”

For the next week, I visited my friend every day, meeting a steady stream of his extended family and friends. When the customary small talk ran out, I would begin asking spiritual questions and sharing stories from the Bible.

As I spoke of the Kingdom of God, one of Dumadi’s relatives said Jesus reminded him of the raja gembala, a legendary figure in the region for nearly a thousand years.

I smiled and nodded. In my studies of this culture, I had learned of a great shepherd-leader who called his sheep by name and laid down his life for them. For centuries, Dumadi’s people group had told stories of the raja gembala and his promise to return one day as the king of justice.

Dumadi smiled wistfully. “I can’t wait for the raja gembala to set all things right.”

“This is why I survived, so I can follow Jesus and truly live.”

One day, when Dumadi and I finally had a few minutes to ourselves, I asked him to tell me more about the raja gembala. With each story, I opened the Bible and showed Dumadi passages of Jesus saying the same thing. He was stunned.

Dumadi’s eyes widened as he leaned back against his pillow. “Is Jesus coming back so His Kingdom can rule over everything?”

“Yes, but His Kingdom has already been established. We don’t have to wait.” I turned reverently to the Gospels and shared more about why Jesus came the first time.

“He taught all about the Kingdom and ultimately allowed Himself to be sacrificed to free us from spiritual bondage and shame,” I said. “But He rose from the dead and is preparing a place for His people to live with Him forever.”

After Dumadi realized the similarities between what he’d heard about the raja gembala and what the Bible revealed about Jesus Christ, he hung on my every word, impatient to hear what I’d share next.

Yet, he never seemed totally surprised, as if seeds of truth had been planted within him long ago. As we spoke, it was clear that Dumadi was discovering that the raja gembala he’d heard of paled in comparison to Jesus.

Eyes filled with wonder, Dumadi said, “This is why I survived, so I can follow Jesus and truly live.”

I had asked the Lord to reveal Himself to Dumadi, but I had no idea that an ancient legend would point my friend to His Son.

As we prayed together, tears ran down Dumadi’s face and mine too.

The next day, I packed a Bible to take with me to the hospital, a gift for Dumadi’s release. Suddenly I sensed I should bring two. When I arrived, Dumadi was there with his wife and grown son, who instantly claimed the second Bible for himself.

“I can’t wait to read this to my wife and children,” he said.

For twenty years, I had asked the Lord to reveal Himself to Dumadi, but I had no idea that an ancient legend would point my friend to His Son.

Someday a great multitude will gather before the throne, where men and women from every tribe and language and people and nation will worship the true King. I pray that Dumadi will be surrounded by millions from his people group, as hints in their culture lead them to follow Christ alone.


  • Praise God for elements in some cultures that highlight the need for a Savior.
  • Ask the Lord of the harvest to send more teams to point Muslims to Christ and the truth of Scripture.
  • Pray that Muslim men and women will come to know Jesus as the King of kings and Lord of lords.

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For years, a Frontiers field family’s house helper shows no interest in the Good News, but when she requests prayer for serious illness, God works just in time.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.