Two New Brothers • Frontiers USA

Two New Brothers

A Frontiers team’s social media strategy is helping more Muslims engage with God’s Word.
December 3, 2018 By Katie Beck
Two Arab men in conversation

Khalil wanted to read the Bible—but living in a Muslim country, he had no idea where to find one.

While searching online, he came across Bible passages on a Facebook page managed by Frontiers worker Jason and his teammates. Khalil sent a message to the page owners, asking them for a Bible.

Jason responded and offered to meet up with him. Khalil showed up—and he brought along his friend Assad. This thrilled Jason; he and his teammates had been praying for God’s Word to take root not just in the lives of individuals—but in groups of people and in whole communities.

“I’ve only brought one Bible,” Jason said to Khalil and Assad, telling them they’d have to share it.

Repent and be baptized everyone one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
— Acts 2:38

“That’s OK,” Assad assured him. “We’ll read it together.”

Again, Jason saw this as an answer to his team’s prayers to see Muslims studying the Word of God together.

Over the next few weeks, Jason and his teammate Steven started meeting with the two men to study the Bible. Khalil and Assad loved reading the Word and believed everything they read about Jesus. After studying Acts 2, in which new followers of Jesus are baptized, Khalil said, “I’m ready to be baptized.” Assad added that he was also ready.

The next day, the four men met at a beach. And standing in waist-deep water, Jason and Steven baptized Khalil, who emerged laughing and smiling.

After a moment of celebration, Jason said to Khalil, “Now it’s your turn to baptize Assad.”

“I can’t do that,” Khalil said. “I’m still a new believer!”

So those who received his word were baptized.
— Acts 2:41

Steven encouraged Khalil, “Everything you’ve been reading in the Word about life with Christ—it’s true about your life now, too. You belong to Jesus just as much any other believer does, and you can baptize others in His name.”

So, full of joy and laughter, Khalil baptized Assad and welcomed his new brother into Christ’s family.

“In this country,” says Jason, “it’s rare to find two people in the same community who are both eager to learn about Jesus. We’re thankful God has brought these two men into the Kingdom together. And we’re excited to walk with them as they share the Gospel with even more people.”

  • Please ask God to use Khalil and Assad to help others learn about Jesus Christ and embrace Him.
  • Pray for Frontiers workers as they engage with Muslims on social media; pray they connect with spiritually hungry men and women.
  • Ask the Lord to draw groups of Muslims into the Kingdom and to transform entire communities.
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“Today I made the best decision I will ever make in my whole life.”

Discover how God is transforming Muslim communities as more men and women are baptized.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.