Undivided: A Vision for the Balkans • Frontiers USA

Undivided: A Vision for the Balkans

Behind its beauty and diversity is a region with a turbulent history. But God has more for the Balkans.
March 26, 2018 By Frontiers USA
Mountain village in the Balkans

The Balkans is a mountainous region in Southeastern Europe that boasts a rich, though often turbulent history. Surrounded by the Adriatic, Mediterranean, Marmara, and Black seas, the countries of the Balkans are dotted with charming towns, scenic valleys, and peaceful lakes.

And yet, behind its breathtaking beauty and diversity is a past marked by unrest. The names of some of its countries, like Bosnia and Kosovo, are synonymous with ethnic strife and civil war. In this ethnically, culturally, and spiritually diverse region, generations of peoples have lived divided.

But what if they discovered Someone greater than the forces that drive them apart?

Watch the video below to learn about the Muslim peoples of the Balkans.

But this vision needs more laborers to go to the Balkans and introduce its peoples to Jesus Christ.

Find your role in His redeeming plan for the Balkans.

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Editor's Note

Main photo by Marjan Lazarevski