Unlike Anything Ever Heard • Frontiers USA

Unlike Anything Ever Heard

He is risen! Death is no longer the end of the story, and Muslims are hearing about it.
April 1, 2018 By Bob Peckham
Smiling woman surrounded by a crowd

He is risen!

Christ’s triumph over death was unlike anything the world had ever seen or heard. Rising from the grave, Jesus dealt sin a decisive blow. Death is no longer the end of the story; Christ is.

While we wait for the Lord’s promised return (Hebrews 9:28), we’re surrounded by constant reminders of the brokenness in this world. We long for Jesus to come and wipe away every tear, heal every sorrow, and right every wrong. No sadness or pain will remain untouched by His perfect love, which restores and brings life.

Until then, we follow His final earthly command: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20).

As we serve Him in fulfilling the Great Commission, what a privilege it is to discover that He truly is with us (Matthew 28:20). The Lord is in our midst as we point lost peoples to the message of the Gospel and invite them to embrace Christ’s promise of eternity with Him.
But this task is not an easy one.

Erica, a long-term Frontiers team member, writes:

Terrorism has directly impacted my family and team. We’ve had local friends killed by ISIS. Other friends have been held hostage. A fellow believer was imprisoned and tortured.

Fighting forced our team to evacuate suddenly, and we lost our home and all our belongings.

Since relocating to work with refugees in a neighboring country, we’ve found ourselves in yet another community traumatized by violence. Every day, we hear stories of grief and sorrow as we provide trauma counseling to vulnerable children and their families. Their stories—and their friendships—are weighty gifts.

Erica and her teammates are sharing the Good News in an extremely difficult part of the world—and they’re determined to bring their Muslim friends to the King who reigns over death and can raise them to life.

One of Erica’s friends is Jamila, a young Muslim refugee whose former life was destroyed when war descended on her hometown. Jamila had no interest in the Gospel—until Erica shared with her Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount:

You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. — Matthew 5:43–45a

Christ’s radical command to love and pray for her enemies was unlike anything Jamila had ever heard. Now, she wants Erica to tell her everything about Jesus.

Thank you for helping send Gospel messengers like Erica to share hope with those in desperate need of it. With the empty tomb, all is changed!

Together, we rejoice that Christ has triumphed and offers eternal life to Muslims who turn to Him and love Him as the resurrected King.

Editor's Note

Names have been changed for security.

Main photo by EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations