Walking Through a Day of Ramadan • Frontiers USA

Walking Through a Day of Ramadan

Discover how Ramadan alters naptimes and rush hour for over one billion Muslims.
May 6, 2019 By Frontiers USA
walking through Ramadan

On the first day of the Islamic month of Ramadan, over one billion men, women, and children wake up to find their daily routines altered.

Read below to learn what many Muslims experience as they fast from sunrise to sunset—and join us in praying for them during their holiest month of the year.


Muslims rise early to eat suhoor, a final pre-dawn meal. The Quran instructs them to begin fasting when “the white thread of dawn becomes distinct from the black thread of night.”

Pray that as Muslims wake early, they will have their eyes opened to the Light of the world so they can follow Him and not walk in darkness (John 8:12).


Workplaces often see a drop in productivity during Ramadan. Many people try to limit their activity throughout the day, and businesses close or adjust their hours accordingly.

Though Muslims might feel weary as they fast, ask God to open their hearts and minds to pay attention to the truth of Jesus Christ (Acts 16:14). 

Food and Drink

Abstaining from food all day is difficult. But fasting from water is even harder, especially in the summer when days are hotter and longer.

Pray for Muslims to hunger for the Bread of Life (John 6:35) and thirst for Living Water (John 4:10–14).


The discomforts of hunger and thirst—and the lethargy they induce—compel some men and women to try to sleep through as much of the day as they can.

Ask God to give dreams and visions to Muslims this Ramadan, and pray they will encounter the true rest that only Jesus Christ offers (Matthew 11:28).

Rush Hour

Just before sunset, Muslims hurry home seeking food and drink to break their day-long fast. Tempers can often flare as the streets turn to chaos.

As people rush to end the fast, pray they will see their desperate need for a Savior to cleanse their hearts from the inside out (Matthew 23:26, 28).


Families gather for food and fellowship at sunset. After praying, they enjoy iftar, a special meal that ends the day’s fast.

Ask God to bring whole families into the Kingdom—that they would celebrate salvation in Jesus Christ together (Acts 16:33, Revelation 7:9).

Evening Prayer

Muslims believe they will be doubly rewarded for good deeds during Ramadan, and that saying extra prayers—especially those offered at night—can increase their chances of receiving forgiveness for their sins.

Pray for them to see the insufficiency of their efforts and instead discover God’s free gift of salvation through faith in Christ, who died for their sins (Ephesians 2:8–9).

Learn More

Elevate your prayer life and explore God’s heart for Muslims by signing up for our newest prayer guide.

Each day’s email will inspire and equip you to pray boldly and specifically for Muslims to know Christ’s saving power.

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