Walking With Anwar • Frontiers USA

Walking With Anwar

A field worker discovers that his weekly walks with a Muslim friend are like one stage of a relay race.
January 7, 2019 By Frontiers USA
Arab man in Oman

I met Anwar during an early morning walk in our apartment complex’s courtyard. He and I chatted for a while, and since then, we’ve become weekly walking partners.

We often talk about the state of society and of the world, which nearly always leads us to religion. Anwar genuinely wants to understand what I believe. It’s refreshing—because all my other Muslim friends and acquaintances approach discussions about religion as a debate to win.

Anwar is open to the things I share. He once said, “I think Jesus might be more holy than Muhammad.” In all my years of ministry, I’ve never heard a Muslim say something like that.

Still, he holds onto the Quran. He says that when he reads it, he’s sure it’s divine.

Opportunities to share the Gospel as deeply as this are so precious.

I don’t argue with Anwar over his beliefs about Muhammad or the Quran. It’s just too antagonizing. Instead, I’ve invited him to study stories in the Bible that have parallel passages in the Quran. So far, we’ve had a couple of engaging studies, and I pray that Anwar will be drawn to the truth of God’s Word.

Some days, we meet at a nearby mall for our morning walks. The other day, we met up and had hardly said hello when Anwar said, “Tell me about Jesus.”

For the next hour, we walked around and around, talking about the nature of Christ while dodging people who strayed into our path. I shared Scripture to support what I was saying, knowing that God has promised to use His Word in people’s hearts and minds.

“If Jesus is God, why is He asking His Father for things?” Anwar asked. “Why doesn’t He just say ‘Be!’ and finish with it?”

The call to prayer sounded and we had to pause our conversation. I sat on the bench waiting for Anwar to finish in the prayer room, asking the Lord to help me answer his question.

As I sat there, I thought of my friends and prayer partners in the U.S. I hoped some of them were praying for me right now—not because Anwar’s questions were so hard, but because opportunities to share the Gospel as deeply as this are so precious.

Sharing with Muslims is often like a relay race.

Anwar made quick work of his prayers and we had a few more minutes of walking and talking before I had to excuse myself to keep an appointment. If I am any reader of persons, I think Anwar was disappointed that I had to break off our conversation.

Praise God that Anwar is in a process of discovering Jesus Christ. I am not the first Christian he’s met. Years ago, while studying in the U.S., he befriended a believer who impressed Anwar as a good man. This Christian man’s faithful influence brought Anwar just a bit closer to the Kingdom.

And that’s how it is, sharing with Muslims. It’s often like a relay race: We may not be the ones to carry the baton across the finish line, but we definitely play a role in getting to the next stage. Just as each runner helps move the baton toward the finish line, so can each of Jesus’ followers help bring others closer to Him.

So, the next time you see a Muslim at the grocery store, remember that your kindness and friendship speaks volumes. Someday, that man or woman may look back on their interaction with you as a moment that moved them further along the Way.

  • Pray for Anwar’s intellectual curiosity to grow into deep spiritual hunger.
  • Ask God to give Muslims the chance to read the Word with followers of Jesus.
  • Pray for opportunities for you to share the love of Christ with Muslims in your community.
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When a conversation turns to the difficulties of life, a Muslim man discovers Jesus is the only answer for his troubles.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.