The Waymaker • Frontiers USA

The Waymaker

What seemed like a frustrating situation to this field worker ended up being a divine appointment to share the Gospel.
May 13 By Frontiers USA
Muslim man driving

My family had been living in our host country for months when we decided we needed to buy a car. Our area didn’t offer much public transportation and renting a vehicle had become far too expensive.

That night when I was reading aloud from 1 Samuel, my children pointed out how David asked God specific questions about what to do next.

“We should ask God about a car,” said my oldest.

We spent a few minutes praying and the kids started drifting off to sleep, but not before mumbling about a specific make and model. Their words were bookended with drowsy gibberish, but I didn’t dismiss them entirely.

I didn’t understand why God had given us hope only to let the arrangement fall through, but I trusted that He could make a way for us to find what we needed.  

My wife and I continued praying, and when we passed a used car dealership later that week, we decided to take a look.

The manager quickly told me about a vehicle with low mileage and an even lower price tag. It was also the same kind my kids had mentioned, but it was currently at another location.  He promised to have it sent over.

As we shook hands, I was sure this car was the answer to our prayers. But after weeks of confusing delays, I learned the dealership had sold it to someone else.

I didn’t understand why God had given us hope only to let the arrangement fall through, but I trusted that He could make a way for us to find what we needed.

I asked Zameer to pray with me for God’s will to be done.

A month later, we found the same model for sale from a private seller with the exact specifications as the first car we’d found. We could hardly believe it!

I called the seller, Zameer, and arranged to meet him at a mechanic’s shop, where the car received a glowing report. “I’ll take it,” I announced. “I’ll have the money in a week.”

Zameer’s smile disappeared. “It’ll be gone by then. I have other offers. Perhaps if you could have the money by tomorrow…”

My stomach sank. It would be impossible to transfer the funds from my U.S. account in time. But before I left, I asked Zameer to pray with me for God’s will to be done with the car.

When I got home, my wife and I prayed together, and I emailed several friends asking them to lift up our situation.

The Waymaker led me to the perfect vehicle through an extraordinary set of circumstances. Perhaps He did so to start Zameer on his own journey.

My heart was still heavy later that night as I attended a gathering of fellow foreign workers. When one of them asked how I was doing, I unloaded the whole story. “I don’t see how God is working in this,” I confessed.

My friend patted my shoulder and said, “Perhaps He wants to allow other followers of Christ to help you. I’m happy to lend you the money tonight.”

I thanked my friend and quickly messaged Zameer. We met again the following evening so I could purchase the vehicle.

As I drove him home, he looked closely at me. “Yesterday it was impossible, but after we prayed, you found the money. You must have a pure heart.”

I knew he meant that God accepted my prayers because of my own goodness, so I explained right away that no one has a clean heart. “We’ve all sinned, but because of Jesus’ sacrifice, I’ve been forgiven and made clean.”

Before we could dive any deeper, we arrived at Zameer’s house. I don’t know if anything will come from that brief conversation, but I know it’s possible.

Afterall, the Waymaker led me to the perfect vehicle through an extraordinary set of circumstances. Perhaps He did so to start Zameer on his own journey—to a new life in Christ.


  • Praise God for revealing Himself through personal miracles, both large and small.
  • Pray that God will continue to bless Frontiers workers with divine appointments and everyday opportunities to share the Gospel.
  • Pray that Muslims everywhere will discover that forgiveness in Christ is the only Way to the Father.
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A rideshare driver witnesses the power of Jesus’ name when his car is fixed through the prayer of a Frontiers field worker.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.