Career as Mission • Frontiers USA

Your Career on God’s Mission Field

You’re made for a purpose.

God has given you a unique set of skills, education, and passions.

He’s put them in you to make a difference in the world—and He can use them to open doors for you to live overseas and share Jesus with Muslims.

When you connect your career with God’s global mission, He’ll do far more through you than you ever thought possible!

Where in the world will your purpose take you?

Pursue Your Passion in the Muslim World

Find your cross-cultural calling in fields such as:

  • Business
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Relief/Development
  • Science/Engineering
  • Sports
  • Tourism
  • Media/Communications
  • Event management

Don’t see your career field?

Don’t worry! Our field workers are using their skills and talents in a wide variety of professions—from manufacturing low-cost water purifiers to teaching fitness classes for Muslim women.

Whatever your gifts, passions, and educational background, we’ll help you plug in and find your fit so you can use your profession while making disciples and planting churches among Muslims.

Free 30-Minute Career Coaching Session

Jumpstart your overseas career with a free 30-minute session with a Frontiers coach. Get started now by filling out this form, and a coach will be in touch soon.

Find Your Place

Learn more about the regions of the Muslim world, and discover the place where God wants to send you!