Annual Report 2023 • Frontiers USA

Annual Report

Fiscal Year July 2022 - June 2023
Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. — Psalm 33:22

Secure Hope

Sharing the biblical message of salvation with Muslims in difficult (and sometimes dangerous) places is not easy. It takes time for workers to learn language, build relationships, and gain the trust of those God has called them to reach.

Frontiers teams give their all, secure in the promise that a great multitude of people from every tribe and nation will one day gather around the throne and worship the Lamb (Revelation 7:9).

As we look back on the fiscal year, we’re incredibly thankful that Frontiers workers are staying on the field longer, thriving in their ministries. That consistent witness for the Gospel, in places where people would otherwise have little to no chance of hearing the message, acts as a beacon, drawing Muslim peoples to Christ in beautiful ways.

Bright Future

Only three percent of all global workers are sent to unreached peoples, yet Jesus is worthy to be proclaimed and worshiped by
all peoples.

Christ’s worthiness is what keeps us focused on our mission, “With love and respect, inviting all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus.” The steadfast and unchanging love of Jesus needs to be heard, experienced, and embraced by Muslim men and women!

People of all ages are saying “yes” to the call to go to the Muslim world and share the hope found in the Gospel. Right now, Frontiers is working with hundreds of long-term applicants, training and equipping them for fruitful ministry on the field. We are truly excited to see what God will do in and through them.

Powerful Impact

Your prayers and financial support have helped recruit, train, and send more laborers to proclaim the Good News in some of the least-reached places in the Muslim world.

Thanks to your partnership, Frontiers has sent 65 long-term workers to Muslim communities in the last fiscal year! We expect many more in the coming months as our recent candidate schools have been overflowing.

We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. — 1 Thessalonians 1:2–3

Sending Summary

Potential Goers

Solicitantes de larga duración
146 –highest number of applicants in eight years!
New potential goers

Church Partners

Active Church Partnerships

Resumen de campo

U.S.-Sent Workers on the Field

A largo plazo obreros enviado este año
A largo plazo obreros sobre el terreno


Equipos dirigidos por Estados Unidos
Total Fronteras equipos
From the Field: Risking It All to Show Love
Zied quería poner en práctica las palabras de Jesús, aunque su propia seguridad corriera peligro.
Read This Story →

Resumen financiero


Contribuciones para Reclutar, Formar, Enviar y Servir (Fondo para Misiones)
Otros ingresos
Gifts to Workers and Projects
Ingresos totales


Campo obrero Compensación
Gastos ministeriales
Campo obrero Servicios
Otros gastos de contratación, formación y envío
Gastos totales

Net Assets

With Donor Restrictions
Without Donor Restrictions
Activos fijos
Total Net Assets

Variación del activo neto

Variación total

Top Blog Posts of the Year

Read stories of how God is at work in the Muslim world.

Thank You For Your Partnership

Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. — Colossians 3:17

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that have helped bring the Gospel to Muslims who have yet to hear the Good News. Your gift to the Frontiers Mission Fund enables us to train and send new field workers to make disciples among Muslim people groups where Christ is not yet known.


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