A Stranger’s Dream • Frontiers USA

A Stranger’s Dream

Discover how God used a mysterious dream and a phone call from an unknown person to pursue a Muslim woman's heart.
August 12, 2019 By Frontiers USA
two Muslim-background women

“I need to tell my cousin about Jesus,” Maliha said.

Maliha is a young Muslim-born woman. She’s been studying the Bible with Joy, a Frontiers worker. And recently, she put her faith in Christ and committed to following Him.

Since becoming a believer, Maliha has wanted to share the Gospel with her family members. She chose to approach her cousin Aida first.

But Maliha didn’t know how Aida would respond to the message of Christ. For several days before visiting her cousin, Maliha and Joy prayed for God to prepare Aida’s heart to receive the Gospel.

Maliha felt her heart bursting with joy.

As soon as Maliha arrived at her cousin’s home, Aida shared something astonishing. A complete stranger had called her the day before. He explained that he’d had a dream about her. The dream started out with her being threatened with punishment—but then a man offered her forgiveness of sins and the promise of new life.

Aida asked the stranger how he knew the dream was about her.

“I saw your phone number in my dream,” he answered. “This dream is for you.”

Maliha felt her heart bursting with joy and silently thanked God for already working in her cousin’s life.

“God loves you!” she declared to Aida. Then she told her cousin that the man’s dream was true. She faces punishment—as all men and women do. But Jesus Christ took on her punishment and offers her forgiveness and new life.

“I saw your phone number in my dream,” the stranger said.

Tears streamed down Aida’s face as she asked, “Can it be true?”

Together Maliha and Aida read through John 1, which announces Jesus as the Word of God who came as a human to be the light of life and to finish the Father’s work in the world.

“I could read these words forever!” Aida said.

“It’s like Jesus is holding out His hands, offering so much to us,” Maliha said.

Aida lifted up her eyes and said, “I want it!”

  • Praise God for drawing Aida to Jesus Christ, and pray she fully embraces and follows Him.
  • Pray for these two cousins to grow in faith and in understanding of the Word.
  • Ask the Lord to bring the knowledge of salvation to Maliha’s entire family.
Read More

Through dreams and secret study, an entire Muslim family puts their trust in Jesus Christ. Read their story of spiritual pursuit and bold faith.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.