A Time to Feast and Celebrate • Frontiers USA

A Time to Feast and Celebrate

Ra’ed knew he was missing out on the truth, and it filled him with grief. Now his entire family is celebrating what he’s found.
November 25, 2020 By Frontiers USA
Southeast Asian family of four

“This is a time to celebrate,” said Ra’ed, a husband and father who is part of our mid-week Bible study. “It’s more important than all the feasts and holidays in Islam. It’s a celebration, and one that everyone should know about!”

What was Ra’ed celebrating? His baptism—as well as the baptism of his wife and their two young children.

Last year Ra’ed started coming to the weekly Bible study we host for our Muslim friends. I remember the tears in his eyes when he shared about his desperate search for God’s truth.

“This path that I’ve grown up on, this path of Islam, it’s all that I’ve ever known,” he shared with the group. “And it’s empty.”

They decided to be baptized together as a family.

Through our Bible study, Ra’ed found Jesus, declared Him as Savior, and committed to follow Him as his Shepherd.

Ra’ed shared Jesus with his wife, Mira, and she also believed. They both started sharing their new faith in Christ with boldness and joy. Soon they decided to be baptized together as a family. Mira insisted on cooking a big meal to celebrate the occasion.

It was such a beautiful thing to witness: a Muslim-background family choosing to walk in the ways of Jesus together.

Ra’ed shared Jesus with his wife, Mira, and she also believed.

As promised, Mira cooked a huge amount of delicious couscous to share with those who came to their baptism.

Everyone feasted, and still she had plenty left over to take to a local community center for refugees. At least 50 Muslims came to enjoy the meal. Each person heard her share about her family’s baptism in Christ and their commitment to follow Jesus for the rest of their lives.

Join us in celebrating their baptism, and pray that many more families will come into the Kingdom.

  • Praise God for Ra’ed and Mira’s joyful baptism, and pray they will never lose sight of Jesus, their first love.
  • Pray for abounding joy in these new believers’ hearts as they tell others about Christ’s saving work.
  • Thank the Lord for the ministries of Frontiers teams, and ask Him to send more laborers into the harvest to share the Gospel with Muslim families.
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Bisharra and her cousins weren’t sure they wanted to be baptized. Then they saw a picture that opened their eyes.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.