What Is That in Your Hand? • Frontiers USA

What Is That in Your Hand?

A field worker couple discovers how God can use their hobbies and skills to engage Muslims in conversations about Jesus.
May 2, 2022 By Frontiers USA
Two men golfing in Africa

When my family and I moved to our host country, I didn’t expect to have many opportunities to play golf. Although I love the sport, we moved here to share the Good News about Jesus, not focus on our hobbies.

But God challenged my perspective several months ago as I was reading about Moses in the Old Testament. “The Lord said to him, ‘What is that in your hand?’” (Exodus 4:2).

The object in question was Moses’ staff, which God used as an instrument to free the Israelites from slavery. The staff itself wasn’t anything special—until God put it to use.

I could give this to God.

A few days later, I had the opportunity to play golf. As I selected a club, I sensed God asking me, “What is that in your hand, Wade?”

I held it up and stared at the worn metal. It was just a club like the ones I’d been swinging since childhood. It wasn’t anything important for life.

But maybe it could be. I could give this to God. Would He bring Muslims to freedom in Christ using my driver as a tool?

Shortly after I felt God nudging me to give even my golf game to Him, Kamal, a new friend, invited me to play golf with him and two others. One was an established businessman and the other a government official.

Before our game, I prayed that God would give me opportunities to tell them about Jesus.

He did. My new golf buddies quickly showed interest in learning what the Bible says about God when they found out I’m a follower of Jesus. While walking the fairway, I was able to answer many of their questions.

Silently, I thanked God for using something as simple as my love of golf to share the Good News with Muslims!

God is giving us opportunities to speak of Jesus every day.

My wife, Brynne, recently had a similar experience. She was invited to lead an online group chat with several English teachers who are from another country and in need of interaction with a native English speaker.

As she prepared for the first session, she sensed God speaking to her heart: “What is that in your hand, Brynne?”

“I’m just talking to people and teaching a little English. Something I love to do.”

God can certainly use conversation for His glory, but what could come from a few hours of linguistic practice?

When the group chat began, Brynne learned that one of the members was from a Muslim unreached people group! Now we’re praying that this connection will open a door to reach an entire people with the love of Jesus.

God is giving us opportunities to speak of Jesus every day, and He uses the hobbies and talents He’s placed in our hands to open many of those doors.

  • Ask God to give Wade and Brynne the words to speak as they find opportunities to share about Jesus.
  • Pray that field workers would continue to recognize the unique passions and skills God’s given them to reach Muslims.
  • Ask God to provide field workers with more opportunities for conversations about Jesus.
  • Pray for God to raise up field workers whose distinctive skill sets can connect them to the communities they serve.

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An unexpected business negotiation allows one Frontiers field worker to share the value of Jesus.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.