A Marvelous Reality • Frontiers USA

A Marvelous Reality

A Frontiers field worker is struck by the wonder of Jesus’ birth as she shares the Christmas story with a Muslim neighbor for the first time.
December 19, 2022 By Frontiers USA
Smiling Muslim woman

In a swirl of colorful wraparound skirts, Fatou bustled in and out of her tidy mudbrick home, preparing dinner on her outdoor cookfire. The fragrance of rice, beans, and hot greens filled the house as she brought in heaping dishes, offered me a bottle of soda, and sat down across from me.

As we ate, I swatted away the mosquitos that decided to join us for dinner. Humid East African Decembers don’t feel very Christmassy to me. Still, with the upcoming holiday on my mind, I asked Fatou if she’d heard why we celebrate Christmas.

“It’s a religious holiday,” she said. “Right?”

I nodded. “Would you like to hear the story behind it?”

“Of course.”

I began at the beginning, telling her about an unwed young teen who became pregnant after a vision of an angel.

What makes the Christmas story different? Only the life-changing power of God within it. 

Fatou’s glass soda bottle clinked against the table. She looked at me as though I had lost my mind. “What! Without a man?”

“God is powerful enough to do anything,” I said before continuing with the story.

But as I spoke, I began to hear my words through her ears. How strange the story of angels appearing to shepherds and a bright star leading foreigners to a village must have sounded to her.

In Fatou’s village, stories abound of people shapeshifting into animals, trees with spirits, and snakes hiding diamonds in the hills. What makes the Christmas story different? Only the life-changing power of God within it. 

“That’s an amazing story.” Fatou shook her head, eyebrows raised. Although she didn’t express immediate interest in learning more about Jesus, I knew she’d mull it over and pass along the story to her friends.

This Christmas, I am praying for Fatou to embrace the story of a baby born to a virgin and the even more unbelievable truth that Jesus came to earth to die that we might live.


  • Pray that Fatou will embrace the truth about Jesus as she continues to listen to stories about Him.
  • Ask God to provide more opportunities for Muslims to hear the Good News.
  • Lift up field workers as they use the Christmas story to open the door for spiritual conversations during the holiday season.
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A new Frontiers intern begins to understand how God is working through the challenges of adapting to life on the field.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.