A Masterpiece in the Making • Frontiers USA

A Masterpiece in the Making

A Frontiers field worker offers resources to bless a local church and discovers the beautiful ways God is at work.
February 10 By Frontiers USA
Young man by the sea

My wife and I recently visited a beautiful coastal city seven hours north of us. While there, we planned to meet with the leaders of a local church that also welcomes many refugees.

The small and diverse church was a shining example of what I hoped we might one day see in our own city. Although the church exhibited an abundance of love and unity, they needed many physical resources—ones I had plenty of.

As I carried a box of Bible study books and other Gospel resources into their meeting room, I noticed a beautiful painting hanging on the wall. Every colorful brushstroke depicting the birth of Christ displayed love for the Lord.

“They help me talk about my faith.”

“Where did you get that piece of art?” I asked Mehdi, a refugee and one of the church leaders who helped sort through the books.

He smiled shyly. “I painted it.”

“Really?” I couldn’t contain my amazement. “How long have you been painting?”

“Since before I left my country.” Mehdi lowered his head as he continued sifting through the items I’d brought. “I used to paint graphic and inappropriate things. When the authorities discovered my work, they destroyed it. I fled across the border to continue, hoping I would feel free. Instead, I became depressed. I wanted to end my life.”

Clearly something had changed since then. “What happened?” I asked.

His gaze wandered across the room to another painting—a stunning depiction of Christ’s resurrection. A slow smile crossed his face. “Learning the truth about Jesus’ life and death made all the difference. He transformed me.”

I rested a hand on his shoulder. “Now you’re using your talent to bring glory to God. That’s wonderful. Have you ever shown these to nonbelievers?”

His eyes lit up. “I have. They help me talk about my faith.”

I can’t wait to see how He will transform others in this area into masterpieces that point back to Him.

I nodded, certain that God had planned for Mehdi to use his gift this way all along. “Ephesians 2:10 says we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us. Isn’t that incredible? Your past, your present, and especially your painting is a beautiful part of God’s design.”

Mehdi considered my words carefully. “So was your trip here.” He eyed the box of books with the same awe that I had viewed his art. “I’d been asking the Lord to allow me to start a Bible study. Now I can.”

As Mehdi continued talking, his excitement was plain to see. Even more apparent was God’s sovereign hand in the situation. The Lord is clearly at work here. I can’t wait to see how He will transform others in this area into masterpieces that point back to Him.


  • Ask God to equip Muslim-background believers like Mehdi to creatively and powerfully share their testimonies of coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray that the faith, ministry, and resources of field workers will bring spiritual transformation wherever they go.
  • Praise the Lord for establishing His church in the Muslim world. Ask Him to plant and grow fellowships even in the least-reached places.
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A Frontiers field worker uses art to share the message and hope of Jesus.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.