Nourishing Friendships Through Fasting • Frontiers USA

Nourishing Friendships Through Fasting

When a Frontiers team decides to fast during Ramadan, God begins to grow their relationships with Muslim friends and neighbors.
March 10 By Frontiers USA
Muslim woman smiling at work

A few days before Ramadan began, my husband and I met with our Frontiers teammates. In the weeks prior, each of us had felt a nudge from the Lord that we could honor our Muslim friends by joining them in daily fasting. But none of us had ever gone for long periods without food or drink before—let alone from sunrise to sunset for 30 days.

Together, we prayed that our actions would have an impact for the Gospel on our local friends. Before going to our own homes that night, I asked God to grant us the strength to endure so that the Lord’s name would be glorified.

The following week, I entered our local language center and spotted my teacher Nawal. I hurried across the room, but just as I greeted her, my stomach interrupted, growling loudly.

Embarrassment heated my cheeks. “Excuse me.”

Nawal laughed as we headed into a classroom. “Believe me, I understand.”

“I’m sure you do.” I leaned closer, lowering my voice as we passed a family hard at work. “Does fasting get any easier the longer you do it?”

Nawal’s eyes widened in shock. “Are you fasting? For Ramadan?”

When I nodded, she wrapped me in a hug and began peppering me with questions. Instead of studying the language lesson together, we spent the time talking about why I had decided to fast too.

The invisible barrier of our differences had suddenly been lifted.

Afterward, Nawal walked me out of the room, but instead of heading for the door, she introduced me to a few other instructors.

One of the women said she wished they could all go to lunch. Then she turned toward me and asked, “Are you fasting?”

Several of the others looked skeptical.

But Nawal almost immediately responded on my behalf. “Of course, she is. Lori loves God. She always wants to grow closer to Him.”

Clearly pleased with her answer, the group began chatting with me as if we were old friends. The invisible barrier of our differences had suddenly been lifted.

When a teacher mentioned the burden she felt for Muslims caught in violent conflicts, I asked if we could pray together in Jesus’ name. The others quickly agreed.

My teammates and I are now known as people who are truly devoted to God.

This beautiful time was one of many incredible moments my team experienced during the Islamic holy month. God answered our prayer in a mighty way.

Friends, neighbors, and acquaintances all responded with surprise and delight when they learned about our commitment to join them in fasting during Ramadan. Cultural misconceptions crumbled quickly. Relationships deepened rapidly.

Through this choice to honor our friends and follow the Lord’s leading, my teammates and I are now known as people who are truly devoted to God. This has opened the door to even more conversations about Jesus Christ.

It’s amazing what the Lord can accomplish in 30 days. I can’t wait to see what He does next!


  • Ask the Lord to provide Frontiers field workers with many opportunities to build relationships and trust with Muslims during Ramadan.
  • Pray that God will use the month of Ramadan to fill Muslim men and women with a hunger and thirst for the Truth.
  • Praise the Lord for sending Jesus Christ—the only Way to be reconciled to the Father. Pray that Muslims will recognize this Truth.
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A Frontiers field worker discovers how the challenges of language learning can also create opportunities to share about Jesus.


Editor's Note

This story is based on real events, drawn from firsthand experiences of the long-term workers involved. Names and places have been changed for security.