Becoming a Woman of the Word • Frontiers USA

Becoming a Woman of the Word

Basima struggles with fear. But she's holding on to the Word of God and discovering the power of Christ that overcomes it all.
July 26, 2021 By Frontiers USA
woman with a beautiful smile

Basima has an infectious laugh and a gorgeous smile.

By western standards, she dresses modestly in a veil and long skirt. But in a neighborhood where all the other women wear black hijabs and robes, Basima’s colorful scarf looks boldly nonconformist.

Basima lives with her two brothers. She jokingly says that her brothers are not married yet because she takes such good care of them.

Her father passed away several years ago. Her mother lives with another brother in Spain, where she gets care for an ongoing medical condition. Basima hasn’t seen her mother in more than three years. Every day she feels the sorrow of their physical distance.

But in the midst of her pain, Basima is hungry for Jesus.

“It’s like I’ve been born new.”

After hearing the Gospel, Basima started reading the Bible with a Frontiers worker.

One of the amazing things she read in the Word was that God has called her:

“For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” — Acts 2:39

Now Basima is following Jesus. She asks Him to make her into a fisher of men and women, just like He said He would in Mark 1:17. With her heart full of compassion, Basima wants others to hear the Good News. She especially prays for her mother, whom she speaks with almost every day.

“It’s like I’ve been born new,” she told her mother as she described her new faith in Jesus.

Basima struggles with ongoing health issues, and she struggles with deep anxiety. At night, she often feels tormented by fear. But as a woman of the Word, Basima is discovering the power of Christ to overcome her anxious and fearful thoughts.

  • Pray that Basima will continue growing in her knowledge of God’s Word, the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17).
  • Ask the Lord to help Basima to take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).
  • Pray for Basima to remember the steadfast love of the Lord, who is faithful to lead her in the way she should go (Psalm 143:8).
  • Ask God to use Basima to share Jesus with more Muslims.
  • Pray for more teams of workers who will go and proclaim the Gospel to all nations (Matthew 24:14).
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When a small group of Muslim-background believers practice sharing their testimonies, an unexpected visitor discovers the truth about Jesus.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.

Main photo by UN Women/Christopher Herwig