Get Ready

Want to know what it takes to go?
Let’s get to know each other!
Start the conversation by telling us a little bit about yourself.
How We Prepare
Effective overseas workers begin their missional lives in their home countries. Our desire is to send disciples who make disciples—who in turn make more disciples. If you learn to do that well now, you’ll be more likely to do it well overseas.
We offer and recommend the opportunities below to help you discern your calling and learn the habits of disciple making. Contact to learn more.

A four-week study about God’s heart for the world and how you can play a part in reaching the nations for Christ.
An eight-week small group study designed to engage participants in a missional lifestyle serving Muslims.
An 11-week class designed to help you gain a holistic understanding of the Great Commission and discover your part in God's global story. (Available only in Arizona.)
An intensive three-day experience designed to impart practical skills for sharing Jesus with Muslims. Discover specific needs in the Muslim world and how you can help meet those needs.
A 15-week course that covers God’s purpose for the nations as seen throughout the Bible, with opportunities to learn from experienced leaders and field workers about what’s happening in missions today.
Frontiers Webinars
Webinars featuring seasoned field workers and missions leaders. Learn about life in the Muslim world and what it takes to succeed.
A 12-week residential internship training program to prepare you with practical tools and skills for long and fruitful ministry. Interns are mentored one-on-one by field veterans.
Field apprenticeships with Frontiers teams and partnerships with immersive training organizations like Launch Global, Global Frontier Missions, and Cafe1040.

Take Your First Step
Ready to head toward the field?
Start the conversation, and a Frontiers team member will get in touch to walk you through your journey to the field.