Annual Report 2018 • Frontiers USA

2017 - 2018 Annual Report

Witnessing the Harvest in the Muslim World

This past year, we’ve had the great joy of seeing remarkable moves of God throughout the Muslim world. Frontiers teams serving on the field report that thousands of Muslim men and women have embraced Jesus Christ and begun following Him!

“Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:25b, NIV)

Thank you for supporting the ministry of Frontiers and our faithful workers as they serve in this harvest. We’re so grateful for your gifts and prayers. May we rejoice together as we partner in sending even more teams of laborers who will gather fruit for eternal life (John 4:36)!


Discover how we’ve seen the Lord of the harvest move in Muslim communities over the past year.

Field Summary


Long-term applicants
Long-term workers sent
Long-term workers on the field
Team Leaders
New TLs appointed, pre-field/new
New TLs appointed, on the field
Total New U.S. TLs appointed
U.S.-led teams
Total Frontiers teams

Strategic Regions Snapshot

Northeast Africa
Team Leaders
Field Workers
The Arab Gulf
Team Leaders
Field Workers
South Asia
Team Leaders
Field Workers

Financial Summary

Contributions to Recruit, Train, Send, and Serve (Mission Fund)
Other Income
Gifts to Field Worker and Projects
Total Revenue
Field Worker Compensation
Ministry Expenses
Field Worker Services
Other Recruit, Train, and Send Expenses
Total Expenses
Temporary Restricted Assets
Unrestricted Assets
Fixed Assets
Total Assets
Change in Net Assets

Pray for the Year Ahead

Join us in asking God for abundant harvests among every Muslim people group.


Pray for new teams of workers to go and share Christ in the six strategic regions that have the highest concentrations of unengaged Muslim people groups. Ask God to bless workers and their families with good health, strong financial support, and fruitful ministry. Pray they find favor with government officials when applying for residency and visas.


As Frontiers workers are trained to catalyze movements to Christ, unprecedented numbers of Muslims are meeting to study the Bible. Pray for many to enter the Kingdom and for new churches to grow. Ask God to multiply movements to Christ in Muslim communities that have not yet seen a harvest.

Church Partnerships

Praise God for fruitful partnerships with dozens of American churches that have heard the call to help make disciples among Muslims. Pray that even more churches will respond to this call and discover their untapped potential to influence the Kingdom by sending teams from their own congregations.


Conflict has displaced millions of Muslim families from their homelands. The majority now live in Muslim host countries—places where Frontiers teams are meeting their physical needs and sharing the Gospel. Praise God for the movements of faith taking place among many refugees, and pray for fellowships of new believers to multiply.

Thank You

Thank you for being such an important part of our community!

Together, may we continue to press into the glorious task of inviting all Muslim peoples to follow Jesus Christ. We look forward to rejoicing over the harvests to come!

Partner with Frontiers

Your gift to the Mission Fund will enable us to equip and send even more teams to bring Jesus Christ’s message of hope to those with the least access to it.

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Frontiers’ financial statements are audited by Capin Crouse LLP. Download a copy here.