At Risk of Death • Frontiers USA

At Risk of Death

Duma was desperate to visit her dying mother. But her siblings had threatened to kill her if she ever set foot in her hometown again.
May 31, 2023 By Frontiers USA

Duma gazed through the taxi window at the hills and fields of her homeland. She felt tension creep into her shoulders as she drew closer to her small hometown visible on the horizon. For the hundredth time, she questioned whether it was the right decision to visit her mother.

Leaning back in the seat, Duma blew out a long breath. She and her husband, along with Paul and Judy—the Frontiers field workers who had introduced them to Jesus years before—had asked the Lord to give her wisdom about making the journey. They all felt God was leading her to go.

For Duma, traveling to her unstable home country was a complicated matter. Political unrest in the region made the journey take days instead of hours, and paperwork issues that came with traveling over the border could put her refugee status in her new country at risk. But that wasn’t the worst hazard.

She could be killed as soon as she set foot in her childhood home. Years before, her siblings had made it clear that her choice to follow Jesus made her unfit for their family and unworthy to live. The last time they’d spoken, her eldest brother had told her he would kill her for the shame she had brought on them all.

Duma had heard nothing from them for many years—until her sister’s recent text. Their mother was dying.

“We shouldn’t let her in. She betrayed our family and faith,” Sobhy said to their mother.

When the car pulled up in front of her family home, Duma silently prayed for the courage to go in. If God had truly opened the door for this visit, surely He would protect her through it.  

The taxi driver motioned for her to get out of his car, and she quickly paid him despite trembling hands. He drove away, leaving her at the mercy of her family.

Shakily, Duma knocked on the door. After an excruciating pause, her brother Sobhy opened it.

His eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see Mom.” Duma bit her lip.

“And why should I let an infidel into this house?” Sobhy demanded.

“Is that Duma I hear?” A thin, wavering voice came from within, and the frail figure of Duma’s mom appeared beside her son.

He scowled.

“Oh, Duma! I hoped you would come to me.” Duma’s mother opened her arms, and Duma held her close.

“We shouldn’t let her in. She betrayed our family and faith,” Sobhy said to their mother.

“Please.” Their mother’s eyes pleaded. “She is still my daughter. Don’t deny me my last chance to be with her.”

Face softening, Sobhy stepped aside.

“Jesus teaches that God loves us,” Duma said. “He gives me hope and peace. Even with everything our people have been through.”

Duma’s mother wasted no time inviting all her children to come see their sister. Though they refused to speak to Duma at first, by the time the dinner dishes had been washed and the moon had risen, tensions began to melt and the whole family engaged in comfortable conversation.

“We’ve missed you.” Sobhy offered Duma a small smile. “But why did you have to choose a new religion over your family?”

Duma’s eyes filled with tears. “Jesus is everything to me. I wish you could experience Him, too.”

“But why is He everything? What makes Him worth it?” Sobhy’s eyebrows drew together.

“Jesus teaches that God loves us,” Duma said. “He gives me hope and peace. Even with everything our people have been through.”

Sobhy thought for a moment. “We could all use some of that these days.”

Duma’s heart pounded. “Would you be interested in reading Jesus’ teachings in the Injil with me?”

Sobhy seemed deep in thought. “OK,” he said finally. “I will read it with you.”

She thanked God that each of her family members sent her off with hugs and good wishes.

Each evening for the rest of Duma’s trip, she and Sobhy read the Injil together, discussing what it meant and how it applied to daily life. After a few days, her other siblings and mother joined them also.

Far too soon, it was time for Duma to leave, but she thanked God that each of her family members sent her off with hugs and good wishes. Many invited her to visit again soon to tell them more about Jesus.

Duma couldn’t wait to share the news with her husband and call the friends who had prayed with her. She knew making the long and dangerous trip to see her mother had been the right decision. Not only had her relationship with her family been restored, but she had hope that she would get to spend eternity with them, too.


  • Pray that Duma’s family will continue seeking Jesus and will chose to follow Him.
  • Ask God to protect and provide for Muslim-background believers like Duma, who take courageous steps of faith.
  • Praise God for long-term workers like Paul and Judy. Ask Him to give them perseverance and longevity in difficult and dangerous places.
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A Frontiers team embraced a vision to see God move in the heart of Islam. Now they’re witnessing that vision come to life.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.