A Muslim-Background Father Baptizes His Son • Frontiers USA

A Muslim-Background Father Baptizes His Son

God is transforming whole families as Frontiers workers introduce them to Christ.
June 22, 2020 By Frontiers USA
two people walking on beach

Uday began studying the Bible with me last year. But his journey to Christ began long before that.

More than 20 years ago, Uday met a missionary who shared the Gospel with him.

Even though the two men lost touch with each other, Uday kept seeking after Christ. Over the years, one of his sons also grew curious to learn about Jesus.

Uday’s faith in Christ grew and flourished as he and I studied the Word together. Excited about what he was learning, he went home after every Bible study and shared it with his son.

We’re committed to planting the Gospel within families, among circles of friends, and in community networks.

Praise God! Uday was recently baptized with several other new believers from our city.

After coming up from the water, Uday turned around and immediately baptized his son. Now they are both sharing the Good News with the rest of their Muslim family members.

My teammates and I are thrilled to see the Kingdom spread along relational lines in our community. This is exactly what we have been working toward.

We’re committed to planting the Gospel within families, among circles of friends, and in community networks. Every time we share about Jesus, we make sure we’re speaking with as many as we can—with groups of people instead of with just one person. We pray fervently and disciple strategically as we plant seeds of the Gospel smack-dab in the middle of families and networks of friends.

Every time we share about Jesus, we make sure we’re speaking with as many as we can.

Hamid is a young man who was also baptized with Uday and his son. Hamid became a believer after seeing how Christ had transformed his neighbor, a new believer whom we baptized earlier in the year.

Now the two young believers are sharing the Good News with other men in their neighborhood.

Thank God for what He’s doing in the lives of Muslims—and for these glimpses of how the Gospel is moving through families, among friends, and across neighborhoods.

  • Praise God for drawing Muslims’ hearts to find lasting hope in Christ.
  • Pray for thousands of Muslims in this region to hear the Gospel message and respond in faith to Jesus.
  • Ask God to place Frontiers teams strategically within families and networks so they can witness to whole groups.
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When trying a new church doesn’t go exactly as planned, Rana, a Muslim-background believer, follows the Holy Spirit’s lead to just the right place.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.