Healed of a Speech Disorder to Speak About Jesus • Frontiers USA

Healed of a Speech Disorder to Speak About Jesus

Mishal used to have a stutter. Now he’s learning to speak about Christ with clarity and conviction.
September 21, 2020 By Frontiers USA
young teen in South Asia

My young friend Mishal is a delightful kid. He used to have a stutter—a reminder of the trauma he experienced as a little boy living with an abusive father.

Earlier this year, Mishal heard the Gospel. He gave his life to Christ. And through prayer in Jesus’ name, God healed him of his stutter.

Then our country went into lockdown due to the pandemic, and we weren’t able to see him for months.

Through prayer in Jesus’ name, God healed him of his stutter.

But recently Mishal dropped by our house. It was a perfect opportunity to talk about Jesus with him—away from the usual noise of his neighborhood, where his soccer friends are always shouting at him to join their game.

Now I wanted to make sure that he truly understood who Christ is.

“Mishal, you’re about to go back to school,” I said to him. “Your classmates will notice that you are not like them. They might ask you questions or even mistreat you. You need to know who Jesus is so that you can explain the Gospel to them with conviction. You know that He is more than a prophet.”

“He is the Son of God!”

I was prepared to continue with my grand speech about Jesus. Then Mishal stopped me.

“Of course He is more than a prophet,” he replied. “He is the Son of God! He said that He was. When He was born, angels praised His name. He did numerous miracles. He died on the cross for our sins but rose to life again. And He will one day come and take us to heaven.”

I beamed with pride and asked him where he had learned these things.

“My mom has the New Testament at home. I’ve been reading it every day. I’m on page 87.”

During the lockdown, the Spirit had been working directly in his heart even though we couldn’t visit him.

Praise God for His care, love, and commitment that far exceeds what we can ever give this boy.

  • Pray that Mishal will continue to grow in his faith and knowledge of God.
  • Ask the Lord to give Mishal words to speak with confidence—without ever stuttering again.
  • Pray for Frontiers workers to be filled with winsome creativity as they engage young Muslim men and women with the hope of Jesus Christ.
Read More
A Frontiers field worker learning the local language finds a creative way to begin conversations about Jesus.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.