Finding the Bread of Life in the Company of Cows • Frontiers USA

Finding the Bread of Life in the Company of Cows

While feeding stale crumbs to a few cows in his Muslim neighborhood, an old man discovers the Bread that truly satisfies.
July 20, 2020 By Frontiers USA

Syed is part of a growing network of Muslim-background followers of Jesus. Equipped and encouraged by a team of Frontiers workers, he and his fellow believers are passionate evangelists.

One day while passing through a Muslim neighborhood, Syed noticed a few cows resting by the road. In the midst of them, an old man quietly stood with his hands outstretched to feed stale crumbs of bread to these cows.

With their large soft noses, the cows nudged at the old man’s small hands, using their lips to get every crumb from his fingers.

“Why are you feeding the cows?” Syed asked as he approached the old man.

Syed took the breadcrumbs and began to offer them to the cows.

“I like feeding them,” the old man replied.

At first glance, the man appeared to be quite thin. Thinking he was poor, Syed asked him, “Have you eaten today?”

“Oh yes,” he replied. “I’m not poor. I’m retired and have a pension. This is just what I enjoy doing.”

When Syed asked if he could help feed the cows, the old man smiled generously.

“Here,” he said. “Take some breadcrumbs.” The old man appeared happy for Syed’s company.

Syed took the bread and began to offer it to the cows. He laughed as a cow ran its tongue across his palm.

“It’s a bit messy,” the old man chuckled.

Syed smiled and nodded. Then he asked, “Do you know about the Bread of Life? I can share it with you.”

“Do you know about the Bread of Life?”

“What bread of life?” the old man replied.

Syed spent some time telling him about Jesus. And after hearing the Gospel, the old man asked to receive Christ.

Standing among the cows, the two men prayed. Syed shared some more stories about Jesus and encouraged the old man to tell others the message of the Gospel.

The next day, Syed went back to visit the old man in the same spot. He found him standing among the cows—along with four other old men who wanted to hear more about Christ and receive the Bread of Life.

  • Praise God for moving in the hearts of the young and the old to draw them into new life with Jesus Christ.
  • Ask the Lord to equip this new follower of Jesus to share the Bread of Life with hundreds more Muslims.
  • Pray for God to continue equipping Syed and other Muslim-background believers to bear abundant fruit for the Kingdom.
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Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.