The Pearl Divers of the Arab Gulf • Frontiers USA

The Pearl Divers of the Arab Gulf

Before oil flooded their shores with wealth, the peoples of the Arab Gulf eked out a living by diving for pearls.
March 16, 2020 By Frontiers USA
pearl diver in Qatar

Long before the discovery of massive oil reserves, the countries of the Arab Gulf were famous for pearls.

Over the generations, pearl divers in present-day Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates refined their ancient profession. And until oil flooded their shores with wealth, many Arab Gulf families eked out a living in pearls.

Pearl season lasted from May to September when sailing ships carried divers into the Gulf. Going down as deep as 14 meters and deprived of oxygen for as long as a minute, pearl divers gathered oysters from the sea bed. The likelihood of finding a pearl in an oyster was perhaps one in thousands.

Risking shark attacks, illness, and death, men would complete up to 50 dives a day.

Deprived of oxygen for as long as a minute, pearl divers gathered oysters from the sea bed.

After splitting their earnings with the captain and crew, most pearl divers ended the difficult and dangerous season with just a small sum.

Even though they had little, these Arab peoples prided themselves on their hospitality—and still do. According to their code of honor, they provide food, drink, and shelter to any stranger for up to three days, no questions asked.

The social landscape in the Arab Gulf has changed drastically in the last fifty years. Traditional pearl diving has all but died out.

But the culture of generous hospitality has persisted. Homes in the Arab Gulf have sitting rooms specially prepared for receiving guests. Dates, nuts, coffee, an elaborate array of dishes, and special incense are lavished upon guests.

The odds of finding a pearl inside an oyster may be one in thousands.

These peoples live among modern amenities and world-class buildings in a world that their grandparents could not have dreamed of.

Still, they remain spiritually poor.

The odds of finding a pearl inside an oyster may be one in thousands. But the odds of finding a follower of Jesus among Arab Gulf nationals are even less—as little as one in 50,000.

Pray for Muslims in the Arab Gulf—that they will risk everything to find the pearl of great value.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it. — Matthew 13:45–46

  • Pray that the people of the Arab Gulf will seek the Kingdom of God and upon finding it will receive it with joy.
  • Pray for Muslim-background believers in the Arab Gulf to boldly share the Gospel with friends and family, despite the risks.
  • Ask God to send more believers and workers who will point Muslims in the Arab Gulf to Jesus Christ, the greatest treasure.
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An unexpected business negotiation allows one Frontiers field worker to share the value of Jesus.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a Frontiers worker and was originally adapted for the 2019 edition of 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World. Discover more ways to pray for Muslims in Frontiers’ newest prayer guide.

Main photo by Omar Chatriwala