Pray for Beirut, Lebanon • Frontiers USA

Pray for Beirut, Lebanon

We grieve for the city of Beirut following the devastating blast on August 4. Join us in praying for healing for this beautiful nation.
August 19, 2020 By Frontiers USA
Lebanese flag near Beirut

As we’ve watched footage of the massive explosion that happened in Beirut, Lebanon, at the beginning of August, our hearts have grieved for a country that was already overwhelmed by crisis.

The blast was caused by a fire at the city’s port in a warehouse where ammonium nitrate was being stored unsafely. The explosion in Beirut was heard more than 100 miles away and shook the entire city with a supersonic shock wave.

More 170 lives were lost in the colossal blast. About 6,000 people were injured and dozens are missing. More than 300,000 people are homeless as almost half the city has been destroyed or damaged by the blast. Beirut faces up to $15 billion of damage.

For Lebanon, this catastrophe couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

Such an event would be devasting for any country.

But for Lebanon, this catastrophe couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

About 75% of the population was already in need of aid, and 33% had lost their jobs. In this country of less than seven million, one million people were living below the poverty line.

The economy has been failing and the currency had lost 80% of its value in less than a year. Prior to the explosion, hospitals were already full of COVID-19 patients as cases have continued to rise. 

Please remember the Lebanese and join us as we pray for Beirut—that those who mourn will receive a crown of beauty in place of ashes (Isaiah 61:3).

Ways to Pray
  • Ask God to pour out His mercy on the people of this country who were already in a state of crisis and trauma.
  • With the destruction of the port, which took in more than 70% of the nation’s imports, pray that food and supplies will reach the people who desperately need them.
  • Pray for supernatural provision for families who have lost so much, and pray that no one in this country will go to bed hungry.
  • Lift up authorities, medical professionals, and first responders whose resources are slim and energies taxed under the pressure of dealing with the pandemic.
  • Pray that competing groups in Lebanon will come together in peace and unity to help restore calm and safety in the country.
  • Ask God to bless Lebanon with the resources to help the country recover from their tragedy, revive the economy, and provide aid to families affected by the blast.
  • Pray that believers in the country will lift up the name of Christ with boldness and invite Muslims to draw near to the throne of grace.
  • Pray for Frontiers teams in the region to follow God’s lead as He directs them to act and serve the people of Lebanon in practical ways.
Editor’s Note

Main photo by Mario Goraieb