Waiting for a Messiah • Frontiers USA

Waiting for a Messiah

Shias wait for the return of the hidden imam, a messianic figure who they believe will rescue them—but who has no power to save.
September 9, 2019 By Katie Beck
Shia mourner carrying a flag

The street is thick with sorrow and black-robed mourners. Men chant in unison, weeping and pounding their chests. Women crowd the alleys, rubbing their tear-stained cheeks and punctuating the air with despondent cries.

These sorrow-soaked affairs happen every year on the anniversary of the death of Hussain. An early leader revered by Shia Muslims, Hussain died in a dramatic battle over who would take Muhammad’s place as the leader of Islam.

For Shias, this battle is the focal point of their historical narrative. And it shapes their core identity, more than any other event.

To this day, Shias await the return of a messianic figure to rescue them from oppression and suffering.

In remembrance of Hussain’s death, Shias embrace a near-constant state of mourning. Suffering and sacrifice are central motifs in the Shia identity. Marginalized throughout history by Sunnis, Shias view themselves as an oppressed remnant of true Muslims.

Many Shias believe that Muhammad’s rightful successors should have been his direct offspring. For a couple of centuries, Shias recognized several of his descendants as their divinely appointed imams.

But then, in the ninth century, the twelfth imam disappeared and reportedly went into hiding. Shia theology holds that this hidden imam never died. Instead he’s awaiting the appointed time to return and restore justice.

To this day, Shias await the return of this messianic figure they believe will rescue them from oppression and suffering. This leader will inaugurate a peaceful and perfect Islamic society.

Yet the hidden imam they wait for has no more power to save than Muhammad himself.

Please pray for Shias to discover and embrace the one who has the power to save—the Savior who suffered, died, and rose to life to offer them the gift of eternity with Him.

  • Pray for Shias who long for justice and deliverance to find it in the true Messiah, Jesus Christ.
  • Ask God to send teams of laborers to share about Christ’s final sacrifice that delivers Shia Muslims from grief and suffering.
  • Pray for Shia-background believers to grow in love for Christ, knowledge of the Word, and freedom from fear of persecution.
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Learn how the first Shia Muslim leader’s death has shaped the corporate psyche of an entire people.