In Search of the Sower's Good Soil • Frontiers USA

In Search of the Sower’s Good Soil

A Frontiers worker shares about what it takes to find Muslims who are open to the Gospel.
May 24, 2021 By Frontiers USA
Muslim man in a park

It was 2:30 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon when I met up with my language helper, Aqil, a burly, well-educated 28-year-old.

We started our language lesson. Then after half an hour or so, I shared Jesus’ parable of the weeds from Matthew 13:24–30.

Aqil wasn’t surprised to hear me share from God’s Word. I often speak of Jesus and share about the Kingdom—not just with Aqil, but with everyone I spend time with.

I’ve had many conversations about faith with Aqil. But this time, the parable sparked a conversation that lasted until about 9:00 p.m. It made him late to his night job, and I was late for dinner.

I often speak of Jesus … not just with Aqil, but with everyone I spend time with.

The next day, Aqil came to my home for a short language lesson before helping me teach English to some local children from poor families in the neighborhood.

After the children’s English lesson, I gave Aqil a New Testament. I included a small note saying, “Continue seeking the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You have been a blessing in my life.”

Aqil read the note. With his eyes misting over, he responded, “No, you’re the blessing in my life.”

“Continue seeking the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

As in the parable of the sower in Matthew 13, I find people in my host country who are on the path where the seed gets trampled underfoot.

I find the rocky soil—people who get excited about the Good News. But then no roots develop, and they fade away quickly.

I find the thorns that choke out the Word that was spoken.

And I find the good soil, where the Word takes root, sprouts, and is nurtured. And in time, it will produce a crop that is a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.

“You have been a blessing in my life.”

Every person I spend time with hears me share the Gospel. Not every interaction goes as smoothly as it did with Aqil. But in order to find him and the many other Muslims whose hearts are being tilled by the Sower, I keep sharing the Word.

You are a part of this. Your prayers and your financial support make this possible. We cannot do this without you. You are a critical part of a team, working to see the world reached by the Gospel for the Kingdom of God.

  • Praise the Lord of the Harvest for using every prayer and gift for His Kingdom purposes.
  • Thank God for working in Aqil’s heart, and pray that the Word bears fruit in his life.
  • Ask the Lord to send more laborers to the Muslim world to bring the Gospel to those whose hearts have been prepared by God.
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A Frontiers team in a remote region is witnessing a beautiful mystery: seeds coming to life that were once planted by faithful but forgotten laborers.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.