Ugali: Recipe for Sub-Saharan African Porridge • Frontiers USA

Ugali: Recipe for Sub-Saharan African Porridge

This thick corn porridge is a popular dish across Sub-Saharan Africa and can be used to dip in savory stews or beans.
October 24, 2022 By Frontiers USA

Throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, thick porridges are common fare at home and in restaurants. In Swahili-speaking countries, this food is called ugali and is made from either corn or cassava. Most families place a rounded dish of ugali in the center of the table or floor and pinch off pieces to dip in beans or stew.

Cassava may be difficult to find where you live, but it’s easy to make corn ugali on the stovetop using finely-ground white corn flour. It’s a great substitute for potatoes or bread at your next meal, and you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to make.

Ugali Recipe

Serves 4

  • 4 ½ cups of water
  • 2 ½ cups of corn flour—Maseca brand—found in the Hispanic foods aisle—works well


  1. Warm water on “high” for 3 minutes. Don’t let it boil yet.  
  2. Add 1 ¼ cups of flour to the warm water and stir.
  3. Cover the pot, turn down the heat to medium, and cook for 4 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in the rest of the flour.
  5. Cover, return to heat, and cook for 4 minutes.
  6. Flip the ugali, cover, and cook for 4 minutes.
  7. Scoop ugali into a serving dish and round the top.
  8. Allow to cool and enjoy with stew or beans.
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Pair Ugali with this flavorful Moroccan dish.