Waiting for a Miracle • Frontiers USA

Waiting for a Miracle

The parents of an injured young Muslim man feel hopeless until a Muslim-background believer prays for healing in Jesus’ name.
June 2, 2022 By Frontiers USA
Muslim farmer smiling

Nassim and Anju sat beside the rickety hospital bed where their only son, Fadeen, lay. His battered face was barely recognizable, and they feared each of his strained and shallow breaths would be his last.

Neither spoke it aloud, but they both worried how they would afford funeral costs if their son died. Like the rest of the families in their village, their income came from farming a small plot of land and would not cover such an expense.

His parents visited their comatose son every day, hoping for a miracle.

Fadeen, a strong and healthy 23-year-old, had been returning from their field when he was attacked by a few men from another Muslim village who intended to steal his family’s land. The men beat Fadeen with bamboo sticks until he lay unconscious.

After he was taken to the hospital, doctors declared that Fadeen had suffered brain damage and was not likely to survive. His parents visited their comatose son every day, expecting the worst, yet hoping for a miracle.

After several days, an unexpected visitor named Rashid came to visit the hospital. He asked Nassim and Anju what had happened to their son.

Miraculously, Fadeen woke up and began to speak.

When they told him they were running out of hope, Rashid said, “I follow Jesus Christ. Could I pray for your son to be healed in His name?”

Nassim agreed, and miraculously, Fadeen woke up and began to speak. The doctors could not explain his recovery, but Fadeen and his parents were in awe of the power of prayer in the name of Jesus.

They also marveled at the compassion shown by Rashid, and one day, they asked him to teach them about Jesus.

When they heard about salvation through Jesus Christ, they believed.

Several months before, Rashid had met Jeff, a long-term Frontiers worker. They started meeting together, and Jeff had coached Rashid with simple ways to explain the Good News and introduce Muslims to Jesus through the Word.

As soon as the family asked to learn about the One who could heal, Rashid started sharing the Gospel and studying the Bible with Fadeen and his parents. When they heard about salvation through Jesus Christ, they believed. And within months, they were baptized.

Now Jeff and Rashid are equipping Fadeen and his parents to make even more disciples. They’ve shared the Gospel with dozens of villagers and have led another Muslim family to Christ.

One day, Fadeen hopes to see the men who attacked him so that he can share the message of the Gospel with them, too.

  • Praise God for growing communities of faith in the Muslim world.
  • Pray for Muslim-background believers like Rashid to boldly share the Gospel with more families.
  • Ask the Lord to do miracles in Muslim communities so that more men and women will come to know Him and His name will be glorified among all peoples.
Read More

God is at work in Annisa’s Muslim community as she shares the Good News, prays for the sick, and sees people healed.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names have been changed for security.