Hospital Healings and the Hope of Jesus • Frontiers USA

Hospital Healings and the Hope of Jesus

God is at work in Annisa’s Muslim community as she shares the Good News, prays for the sick, and sees people healed.
September 28, 2020 By Frontiers USA
smiling Muslim woman

Annisa loves telling others about Christ. A new believer in a Muslim community, she’s becoming a powerful evangelist as a team of Frontiers workers equips her to share the Gospel.

Because of an ongoing health problem, Annisa has frequent hospital appointments. While there, she prays in Jesus’ name for the sick. Oftentimes, God has used her prayers to heal people.

Recently Annisa met an elderly patient who couldn’t walk. She prayed for him, and miraculously he got up from his wheelchair and walked away unassisted.

Another time, a patient beckoned Annisa over to his bedside. Then he said something that many others had told her since she had put her faith in Christ: “Your face is glowing.”

Miraculously he got up from his wheelchair and walked.

When the man described how empty his life felt, Annisa told him how the Savior had filled her heart with hope. She shared the Gospel with him. Then they prayed together, and the man asked Jesus to fill his heart too.

Many of the people Annisa meets at the hospital come from distant towns. When they leave for home, they return to their families with powerful testimonies to share about the love of Christ.

As the Frontiers team coaches new believers like Annisa, they are helping reach many Muslim communities where Christ is not yet known.

In distant villages that have no access to medical care, the team is partnering with other Muslim-background believers to help meet physical needs. They also pray for people in Jesus’ name and share the Gospel. In several of these Muslim communities, villagers are studying the Bible and learning about Christ. After being healed in Jesus’ name, many patients have put their faith in Christ and been baptized.

In His great mercy, God is revealing His love and power to Muslims in various regions of the world, drawing many to the salvation that is found in Christ alone. “Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!” (Psalm 150:2)

  • Praise God for the physical healing that is drawing many Muslims to find eternal life in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for Muslim-background believers like Annisa to be filled with the knowledge of God and to be bold in their faith.
  • Ask the Lord to send more teams to make disciples and equip new believers to reach many with the Gospel.
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In the aftermath of an earthquake, Muslim-background believers sow seeds of faith, hopeful for the harvest to come.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.