Hope for the Future in a Little Boy’s Heart • Frontiers USA

Hope for the Future in a Little Boy’s Heart

Uday wanted only one thing. And a Frontiers field worker knew exactly how to offer it to him.
November 16, 2020 By Frontiers USA
little boy on his bike

I sat on the floor, dipping dates in tahini and admiring a round-faced baby girl cradled in the arms of her mother, Hasana.

Hasana’s 3-year-old son, Uday, raced around the room. Round and round and round he ran, as his grandmother scolded him and tried to catch him. Uday ran into the next room and brought back some tools.

“Wow, show me what you’ve got,” I said to Uday, trying to acknowledge him.

But the boy hardly stopped to hear me.

By now, I had figured out what was going on.

Uday ran outside. Moments later he appeared in the doorway with his little bike, ready to ride in splendor into the living room. More scolding ensued. But by now, I had figured out what was going on.

I excused myself from the room and followed Uday into the courtyard.

“Show me what you can do,” I said to Uday.

Gleefully he took off on his bike. I hollered and clapped and clapped some more as he rode in circles in the courtyard. He rode around to the back of the house, and I thought he was gone. But no, he came back for some more applause.

There’s still a place for me in their home.

Uday wanted my attention. That was all. He knew that I was a special guest of his parents, and to get in on the glory, he needed to steal part of the show.

More than five years ago, when Uday’s father sat in my English class and invited me to his home to meet his new wife, this little boy was still an unfulfilled prayer in his parents’ hearts.

Now Uday is starting preschool and has a baby sister. And there’s still a place for me in their home.

Watching my local friends’ children grow up in front of me can make me feel old.

But it also keeps the future in front of me. May the seeds of the Gospel that have been sown in this home bear the fruit of faith in Uday’s heart and in his entire family.

  • Thank God for field workers who have been welcomed into the lives and homes of Muslim families.
  • Pray that the witness of Frontiers workers will open Muslims’ eyes to see Jesus and soften their hearts to the Gospel.
  • Ask the Lord to prepare children and youth in Muslim countries to receive the Good News and grow into faithful disciples of Christ.
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When a Frontiers field couple prays about a nanny to care for their daughter, they receive an unexpected and delightful answer.


Editor's Note

This account comes from a long-term worker. Names and places have been changed for security.

Main photo by Philippe Put